SUNDAY SEP 9 – 1 PM – 4 PM
Present: Christie Pearson Anderson; Linda Williamson; Ellen Lewis; Marian Hester;
Paulette Stewart; Cliff Jewell; Richard Lathwell; Bob Blaney; Fay Reid; Judy Boyd;
Rochelle Neal; Deb Colville; erin-blythe reddie; Marcie Breit; Karen Nesbitt;
Linda Jack; Gail Meehan
WELCOME & PRESIDENT’S STATEMENT - Christie Pearson Anderson
- Round the table introductions
- Acceptance of Agenda….Moved by Gail Meeham; seconded by Sue Cairns. CD.
- Acceptance of 2017 AGM Minutes with minor amendment of type-o ‘Donations done’ to ‘Donations are down’; and explanation re. motion about the Art Tour Coordinator and Advisor was amended by the board after the meeting to Marian Hester as Coordinator and as Helen Siksek as Advisor, as Helen wished to step down from the Coordinator position. Moved by Sue Cairns; Seconded by Rochelle Neal. CD.
- Christie went through the Expenses and Income from the Financial Report – advising adjustment of $30 on the income end from Art Tour income to Workshop income and current bank balance of $4587.22. However she noted that club had spent extra monies on some items in 2018 – i.e. on one time signage re. members show and extra monies on advertising for the 2018 Art Tour, that although the bank balance appears healthy, we had a loss -expenses over income of $2795.01 for 2018 so we would have to be careful in future.
- Previous two years financials were audited by Jill Windsor of Jill’s Bookkeeping Services - approval letter on file with the Treasurer.
- Moved by Bob Blaney, seconded by Ellen Lewis that Treasurer’s Report be accepted. CD.
- Workshops / questionnaire to be sent out (see report)
- Nemi Library possible opportunity – to teach 1-day art workshop - Contact at the Library is Karen Gallow.
- North Channel Gallery Show and Sale / Group of 11 Artisans (see report)
- Thank you to Lisa Hallaert at the Centennial Museum in Sheguiandah for hosting the MFAA Annual exhibition. Lisa said attendance was good – not everyone signed the guestbook so it was hard to do a count – everyone who viewed the museum also viewed the Members Show - the new signage (see below) helped quite a bit to bring people in specifically for the art show.
- Discussion re location of Members’ Show – the general consensus was the Museum has been very cooperative and helpful re. holding the show and the annual meeting there, so we should stay with the status quo. Suggestion perhaps holding a spring show at the other suggested location.
- MOTION – by erin-blythe reddie; seconded by Sue Cairns, that we (erin-blythe as spear header, and Sue as Exhibition Convenor) look into the possibility for holding a spring show at Debaj possibly end of May, Early June. CD
- MFAA ART SHOW SIGNS – purchased from Beacon Signs in Tehkummah (durable and waterproof and look amazing). Lisa at the Museum generously agreed to store the MFAA signs at the museum.
- VISITORS’ CHOICE AWARD(S)… There were 2 top Visitors’ Choice Awards – one from the MFAA and one from the Centennial Museum on behalf of Green Acres. Both awards went to one recipient -- presented to Cliff Jewel for two of his acrylic pieces – Tired and Chained and Sparrow on Hydrangea. Congratulations Cliff! Well done !!
- Photo was taken of the award being presented to Cliff, and a group photo of those attending the annual meeting. Both of these pictures to be place on the website and Facebook pages.
Discussion re. MFAA Facebook page (separate from the Art Tour Facebook page); Original FB Administrator was Bob Blaney; then Jon Butler was brought in as an additional administrator; then last year Sue Cairns was also added – she felt there should be someone else to do this as she didn’t feel enough technical savy to do the updates. Cliff Jewel volunteered to take on that task – of being an additional FB Administrator. (See motion below in MFAA Board and Executive for 2019 section).
- Jon Butler had initiated a weekly Feature Artist on FB, and had requested artists send him pictures and bio info to feature them. … Consensus was this was very successful, artists received quite a bit of exposure, but it was difficult getting artists to send him the material necessary to continue to do this. Discussion on who should receive the pictures, and in what size and format, etc. Suggestion to use the info from the members pages on the website for the Facebook feature, further discussion on how to choose which artists were featured and when. Another suggestion to have a separate email address for members to send their pictures and info to, that the MFAA FB Administrators all have access to. Immediate decisions were tabled subject to further discussion between Bob and Cliff and, and Dylon on the best way to handle this.
- NOTE: AFTER MEETING ADDENDUM: An separate email address has been set up so people can send profile/bio updates, new art work, info about new members, etc. This email is: administrator@manitoulinart.com
- MOTION: by erin-blythe reddie, seconded by Cliff Jewell,
That: the MFAA logo to be added to the MFAA Facebook page; a link added to the Art Tour on the MFAA Facebook page and vice versa; Cliff Jewell be added on as another Adminstrator, along with the original Administrator Bob Blaney, and Jon Butler. (Note: Cliff is replacing Sue Cairns) CD.
- Discussion on Art Tour entry forms to be revamped to try and make less confusing about what category/slot people fit into, who pays what fee, i.e. artists having other artists at their studio versus galleries, restaurants and other businesses offering their space to artists, etc. We only had 5 actual ‘Hosts’ in 2018 tour
- MOTION: Moved by Marian Hester, seconded by Bob Blaney: That we waive the Host fee for the 2019 Art Tour; that the Artists pay the registration fee and host businesses become the Artist’s Location on the brochure. CD
- Marian to work on an automated Art Tour Application online fill form versus a fillable pdf. Also the same to be done re. the MFAA Membership Application form.
- Discussion about trying to increase funding for Art Tour by asking businesses for donations. We need a Donations Coordinator to solicit donations from businesses and municipalities. No one stepped forward to take this at the meeting. If anyone is interested in helping, please contact Marian.
- ART TOUR PICKUP POINTS - -To save the Art Tour Coordinator from constantly having to drive around the Island delivering everything, Marian suggested PICKUP POINTS be set up where she can drop items off, or home address, and have participants pick things up at the pickup point. The following was settled on:
- Little Current area – Marcie Breit and Judy Boyd volunteered
- South Baymouth area – Ellen Lewis
- Mindemoya area – Township Office
- Gore Bay and West End – Marian Hester
- ADVERTISING: A discussion about the best way to spend Art Tour advertising dollars – Mosaic Magazine versus the Art Tour Map.
- MOTION by Bob Blaney, Seconded by Judy Boyd
THAT we stop advertising in the Mosaic Magazine, but keep advertising in the Art Map.
- Discussion re. radio advertising – because it is so expensive, consensus was to use the free radio sites in lieu of paid advertising.
- Other Art Tour advertising – i.e. size of ads in local papers, etc. be left to Marian’s best judgement.
- Discussion about permanent billboard sign(s) versus banners - the banner we used to have in Little Current wasn’t taken down when it should have been, so was not in good shape / had to be scrapped; the one in Southbaymouth is still okay. Marian has been looking into billboard but they are very expensive (i.e. $3000 for sign plus $150 annual maintenance) – would be a substantial capital expense so would require a grants, corporate sponsor or large donations etc.
- Discussion re. having a central exhibition versus tour format. Consensus was then it wouldn’t be a studio tour, also because next year is 25th anniversary of the Art Tour, that we keep it as a tour at this point in time.
NOAA REPORT – Linda Williamson (See complete NOAA Report in ADDENDUM)
- Congratulations to Richard Edwards for having his piece Evening Light accepted in this year’s NOAA Juried Exhibition. The 62nd NOAA exhibition to be held at the Centennial Museum in Sheguiandah from May 30-June24, 2019. Our members should make a point of viewing it next summer.
- Christie did up a membership listing and count – 2018 total of 35 members – Members please check your listings to make sure we have your correct information (email addresses not included in this list)
- Bob Blaney
- Erikka Molenaar
- Gerald Gerard / Margaret Gerard Wood N Wool
- Glenna Treasure
- Gwendlyn Goulet
- Joe Shorthouse
- John Knox
- Jolanta Klimaszewski (Jola Klim)
- Jon Butler
- Judy Nichols / Thistle Do Nicely
- Lynda James
- Marian Hester - Freshisle Fibers
- Mary Anderson
- Melvin Madahbee
- Nicole Weppler: Gore Bay Harbour Centre
- Nicole Weppler: Gore Bay Museum
- Richard Lathwell - Lobo Loco Alpacas
- Sharon Stephens
- Todd Bailey
- Vic Laberge
- Ann Beam / Neon Raven Art Gallery
- Christie Pearson Anderson
- Cliff Jewell
- Corey Stalinski / Manitoulin Hotel
- Donna Kanerva
- Ellen Lewis
- Enid Runnalls
- Erin-Blythe Reddie
- Fay Reid
- Gail Meehan
- Helen Siksek
- Heli Cotnam
- Ina Wesno
- Ivan Wheale
- Jane Palmer
- Jean Rodak
- Judy Boyd
- Julie Glaude
- Julieanne Steedman
- Karen Nesbitt
- Kathy Antonio - My Ol' Blues
- Lauren Satok
- Linda Jack
- Linda Williamson
- Marcie Breit
- Marian Barnett
- Nancy Mcdermid
- Nikki Manitowabi
- Paulette Soganich
- Paulette Stewart
- Petra Wall
- Richard Edwards
- Rochelle Neal
- Sue Cairns
- Ursula Hettmann
- MFAA WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.manitoulinart.com
- ALL MEMBERS PLEASE CHECK YOUR WEBSITE LISTING to ensure your information is accurate, and we encourage you to please send / update photos of your work. Send to the new email address: administrator@manitoulinart.com and one of the administrators will update.
- There was a concern that some people who were not computer-literate or technical-savy may not know how to do this – i.e. what size pictures, what format, how to email them, etc. etc.
- Marian Hester has offered to do up a detailed set of work instructions on the process.
Christie led the discussion by encouraging members who may be interested in helping out or taking on a new position to please, please let her know. She had emails sent out to members asking for volunteers, but no response. There are a number of current members who already did their stint on the board, so thank you to them -we have quite a few members though who could step forward. Our current board has generously agreed to continue for another year – but next year we will definitely need to fill at least a few board positions. Members’ participation is vital if the club is to continue.
- MOTION by Bob Blaney, seconded by Rochelle Neal
THAT the current board be acclaimed, with the addition of a new position: MFAA - SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR, Cliff Jewll. CD.
- President –Christie Pearson Anderson
- Vice-President – Sue Cairns.
- Secretary-Treasurer –Christie Pearson Anderson
- Website Convenor – Dylon Whyte
- Email Coordinator –Jon Butler
- Art Tour Coordinator - Marian Hester
- NOAA Coordinator –Linda Williamson
- Social Media Coordinator – Cliff Jewell
Location: Centennial Museum, Sheguiandah
Date: Drop off Aug 13-15, 2019,
Opening: Aug 16 or 17, 2019
MFAA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be held SEP 8TH, 1-4 pm at the Centennial Museum, Sheguiandah. Members to pick up their artwork after the meeting.
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